Tea and Tissues 2017-08-29T02:33:03+00:00

Project Description


Tea and Tissues – (Oil on Canvas)

painted for Mount Sinai College (primary school)

“Tea and Tissues” represents the beginning and end of the Mount Sinai journey.

The first day of “big school” is an emotional one for the parents, as their baby enters Year K dressed up in their first ever, somewhat oversized, uniform. Tissues are out as they feel the tug of their heartstrings. Emotions of joy are mixed with the realization that time is passing and their child is growing up.

As the Year 6 students sit together and sing the Farewell song, in their well worn uniform, they have journeyed from Year K to 6 and helped other children begin their Mount Sinai journey through the buddy system.

The painting also represents the individual child – as their older self reassures their younger self.

The tissues come out one last time…

Project Details
